Wednesday 9 April 2014

MUSIC: I Divide - I'm Not Leaving

I was at work today and on my break I had a notification saying that Kristen Hughes started following me. Now, I had no idea who he was (I'm really sorry), but I did notice the verified blue tick next to his name and saw that he was from a band called I Divide. Now, I had heard of these, as my friend had been talking to me about them the week before, but it had simply slipped my mind to check them out. Anyway, after the notification it reminded to listen to their latest song and it's not what I was expecting.
My friend and I have similar tastes when it comes to music (most of the time) but she often listens to heavier music than me and I honestly, I just wasn't feeling it when she mentioned them to me. However, something told me to check them out today and so I did and was pleasantly surprised.

'I'm Not Leaving' is their latest single and it's pretty cool. They're clearly a rock band but they're not too heavy, I feel a lot of bands are either extremely heavy or they're more pop, but these fall somewhere in the middle which is the sort of thing I like. They sort of remind me a little of You Me At Six with their 'Hold Me Down' and 'Sinners Never Sleep' albums which a little heavier.  The lead singer of the band has a great tone to his voice, in my opinion. It's quite raspy especially in the chorus, which compliments the overall sound of the song well. Moreover, in the bridge the lead singer shows off a softer side of his voice which sounds just as good if not better as the more gravelly side. Also, I like the fact that the song is quite catchy, I'd literally listen to this once and had the chorus in my head but not an annoying catchy-ness (if that makes sense).

I can imagine this song to be really good when played live, so if I ever get to check them out live, I'll let you know. Their debut album, 'Last One Standing'  is released on 14th April, but you can check out their music video for 'I'm Not Leaving' below:

What do you think? Do you like I Divide's single? Let me know in the comments below.
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