I've always been quite a shy and quiet person, I've also always struggled with social anxiety. Having spent a little time getting some help with my anxiety and panic disorder, I've been able to come out of my shell more and just be me. It's weird how when you understand more about what is happening to you in those panicky situations how it can affect you. I've managed to make so many more friends and open up to them and act silly around them without worrying. I've also made a lot more plans and had more of a social life as a result of it. It's made me a lot happier and I can't wait to continue this throughout 2015.
2) A New Job.
I got the opportunity in March to take over a concession whilst someone was on maternity leave, therefore acting manager. It hasn't always been the easiest of jobs and I'm not saying that it's my dream job at all. However, it gave me confidence knowing that my area manager thought I could handle it and also been given such a huge opportunity at a young age. I couldn't be more grateful for the experience and what I've learnt from it.
3) Starting this blog.
Now, I know my blog isn't successful like most bloggers, however, it has been something I've been thinking about doing since I was 15/16. I've always enjoyed writing and my love for music is something I'm incredibly passionate about sharing (even though I have no musical talent what so ever *cries a little inside*). However, finally writing these posts, even if they haven't been as frequent as I would've liked, it's gave me some cool opportunities that I cannot wait to continue into 2015 and see where my hobby takes me. Having people contact me saying they like my work is surreal and makes it feel worth while.
4) Going to an Arena concert.
This is something I've wanted to do for years but I've always been too nervous and scared that I would start panicking at the gig. However, this year, I took the risk and went to see one of my favourite bands (You Me At Six) with one of my oldest friends and it was such an enjoyable time. Not only the concert but catching up with my friend who I don't get to see enough.
5) Having the best friends I could hope for.
This year, has shown me who my friends are, and though I haven't fallen out with anyone, its definitely made me realise who I was important to. I've made new friends along the way which I can't imagine not being in my life now. I have friends who will come back from Coventry to cheer me up (a 3 hour train journey, what a friend). Also, I have my friends who I never thought I would be friends with who have turned out to be so incredible. Without them this year I wouldn't have such an amazing year. I've also had old friends come back into my life this past year, and it's felt like we never had that break.
6) Starting my NVQ.
Now, I was supposed to go to University this year after deferring my offer in 2013. But when the time came I knew I was enjoying working and that university wasn't really for me. My manager, however, did tell me about doing an NVQ in retail and as I love learning, I've decided to take up the opportunity. Whilst it might not be a degree like my friends, I am still learning and it is odd to go back into that after a year and half out of education, but I'm sure it will be great for me to do.
These are just a few things that have been important to me in 2014. However, I cannot wait for the next year to come and to start taking more risks and more opportunities. Check back tomorrow to see what I want to achieve in the new year. Hope you've all had a fabulous year!
What has been the highlight of 2014 for you? Leave a comment below letting me know.