Wednesday 14 May 2014

MUSIC: Artist Focus - Clare Bowen

If you watch Nashville then you'll know exactly who Clare Bowen is. She plays the stunning Scarlett O'Connor and she's one of the main reasons why I love Nashville. To me Clare Bowen is the stand out star of the show, or at least her voice is.
Now, I only know of Clare Bowen's songs which she has performed on the show and I will definitely be looking into seeing if she's released any original material and if she hasn't fingers crossed that she will be soon. Her voice is completely pure and honest, and you can forget about the music be over produced as the majority of the time the songs are just her and a piano or her and a guitar. She is the perfect folk/country artist.

Her voice captured  my attention, I think it was in the Pilot episode, when Clare Bowen sings with Sam Palladio (plays Gunner Scott in Nashville) and they covered 'If I Didn't Know Better'. The song was completely mesmerising. It was haunting and completely drew you into the show and their two characters.

Ever since that performance Clare Bowen has been my favourite character on the show and I always look forward to seeing her perform on the show. But this post was written as I wanted to shine a light on 'Black Roses'. This song can be interpreted a hundred different ways and when I watched Nashville: On the Record, the songwriter even said that she had never intended it to be a daughter singing it about her mother. Which to me shows that the song can mean something completely different to each person.

'Black Roses' is beautifully written and with Bowen's hauntingly soft voice which still remains powerful it is a complete knock out in my opinion and restores my hope that beautiful songwriting is still possible and music can still have such an impact without beats and dubstep/dance. Trust me, this song will have you in tears and give you goosebumps all over, its simple but the story telling is gorgeous.

Check out Clare Bowen's version of 'Black Roses' below:

Are you a fan of Nashville? If so, who do you look forward to seeing the most?
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