Sunday 25 May 2014

MUSIC: Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse EP

A couple of months ago I did a review on Melanie Martinez's debut single 'Dollhouse'. On Monday 19th May, she released her first EP of the same name and I thought that I would share my views on the full EP. Melanie is quite a quirky character and her personality is shown within her music also. I personally love this as it makes the songs sound much more unique and when you hear a song by Melanie Martinez you know immediately who you're listening to. There's no confusion as to who it might be as she's got her own sound and her own style which is only ever a good thing.
'Bittersweet Tragedy' is the song that I can't stop playing. It's sounds more haunting than any of the songs with the airy feel that is has to it. This is the most ballad type of song on the EP depicting a relationship ending. Melanie's voice shows growth from when I first started listening to her music. It's hard to describe her voice as it's so unique, it's sort of husky and angelic with an air to it. She does these cool breaks, it's almost like she's talking to you but it's hypnotising.

It's clear throughout all the songs on the EP that she's a great storyteller, using a lot of imagery within all of the songs. Imagery plays an important role in 'Carousel' which she compares the relationship to. She captures the sound of a fun fair/circus/carnival within the song too with the beat of the song. The song has an Alice In Wonderland sound to it (if Tim Burton wrote music I imagine it to sound like this). Despite the song using imagery like 'round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go' the song is very easy to relate to. My favourite lyric is 'it's all fun and games, until somebody falls in love'. Moreover, the song reminds me of days I would spend at theme parks, possibly because I would always want to go on the Carousel rather than the roller coasters growing up.

'Dead to Me' is more out there describing the only way that they'll be able to forget the person is by killing them. This caught me off guard as I never thought that she would write something so dark. The song for me is more about just cutting someone who's bad for you out of your life. Again the song is well written and its obvious that Melanie Martinez isn't afraid to approach topics that most artists would avoid. Again the sound of the song is quirky and cool which I love. Most of her songs share similar beats in the way that they're very slow but firm beats (does that make sense?)

You can read my thoughts on 'Dollhouse' here. I think that Melanie has a good future ahead of her. She's completely unique and her story telling is incredible. Her sound draws you in and captivates you. The imagery for me creates a music video for you without even needing to watch one. The whole sound of the EP is very doll like which is very clever of Melanie Martinez.

Check out the music video for 'Dollhouse' below:

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