Wednesday 1 June 2016

GYM: My Pre-Workout Snacks

I've noticed that I always feel better at the gym if I've had a little pre-workout snack. I'm not one to have pre-workout shakes or protein shakes, but after you've been at work all day I need a little pick me up before heading off to the gym. I normally try and have something about half an hour before going to the gym just so I don't feel sick when I am there. So today I thought I'd share with you my three go to snacks before I workout.

First, I tend to reach for the Walkers Sunbites Wholegrain Popcorn. I gravitate towards the sweet & salty flavour the most. These contain a lot carbs which just helps give me a little boost, its not too sweet either that I'll feel incredibly sick whilst working out. They're also not too filling that I feel bloated they just have a nice balance to make me feel a bit more motivated.

My naughty snack - which is definitely not the best for you - is a Mars Bar. I know you probably shouldn't have that much sugar before you workout but sometimes I need a kick of sugar to get me going and these are perfect with the glucose that they contain in them. I feel sometimes at the gym I can't start to feel a bit faint and I feel like a need a bit of sugar so having a Mars Bar helps to avoid that situation.

Finally, I tend to take a Lucazade Sport with me to the gym. I just find this helps to waken me up if I feel really tired before the gym but also helps to give me a little bit of a boost at the gym also. I tend to have lucazade when I'm doing weights rather than doing cardio however.

What do you tend to reach for before going to the gym?

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