Tuesday 12 April 2016

LIFE: Comparison is the Thief of Joy

It's easy to look at someone else's life and think 'wow, they've got it all'. Whether that be the job you want, the lifestyle, fashion, friends and family, the list is endless. But really, they're looking at someone else thinking the exact same thing and so on. Everyone at some point in their life has compared themselves to someone else, in fact it happens daily for most people, however this is no good for anyone.

The other night I had a massive meltdown to Scott because somebody else appeared to be doing what I want to do better. I simply assumed that their life was so much easier than mine without really knowing anything that's happening in their life. It's easy to get caught up in social media and think that everyone is living perfectly, that's only because we show people the highlights of our day/week. If I'm sad nine times out of ten I'm not going to share that with the internet. If I've had an argument with my boyfriend, my family or friends I'm not going to post that on the internet. However, I will post pictures of a night out with my closest friends, or me and Scott acting goofy or having some family time. That's what people do. We all feel like we have to compete with people sometimes, and sometimes that's the case for example trying to get a job. However, the rest of the time, we don't need to compare ourselves to the person next to us. 

For me, I often compare myself to others if I feel down about myself. So if I'm feeling bloated and I go to the gym and see a slim girl killing it on the treadmill, then I automatically tell myself that I'm not as good as her. I don't know if she's feeling the exact same way about herself. I also compare myself when it comes to careers. I'm at that age where a lot of my old friends are ready for leaving University and some of them will get really good jobs and others will get your 'normal' or 'standard' jobs until something more suitable appears. Even though I might not necessarily want that career that such and such person has chosen, I get jealous because to society their job appears better than mine, when really it doesn't matter. What I'm doing with my life doesn't affect anyone other than myself. If I chose to work in retail then that's okay, I've made wonderful friends that I know I'll have for years to come and I know that sitting up studying trying to become a nurse isn't suitable for me when I can't stand vomit or blood, so why do I compare myself to that person? 

The truth is I honestly don't know. As soon as I begin comparing myself to someone else my mood drops. One minute I could be incredibly happy and the next it's like a switch has been flicked and I'm really down about myself. So I'm trying not to let things bother me as much. Nobody knows what's really going on in someone's life apart from that person. Nobody else knows what someone else is struggling with. It's easy to say, but we should all try and be a little kinder and supportive of each other. There's no need to compare yourself to someone else because they're goals aren't the same as yours. As long as you're moving in the direction that you want to be in then it doesn't concern anyone else. As long as you're doing something that you love, does it matter what other people think or say? 

These are just a few things I've been thinking about lately. I know I can't be the only one. Even if only one person relates to this then I'll be okay with that.

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