Tuesday 26 April 2016

LIFE: Stand Up, Even if its not Easy

Another Tuesday, another rambling post of what I've been thinking about lately. This week it's sticking up for yourself. Nobody is your worse enemy than yourself. It easy to look in the mirror and pick out the things that you don't like whether its physical things or things about your personality. I know full well how easy it is to be like this, especially with my personality. But it's worse when you see people taking advantage of these little things you wish you could change.
Anyone who has known me for years would probably describe me as 'quiet' and I really was. One lad used to call me, 'the girl who never speaks' and I was the kind of girl who wouldn't dare speak what was on my mind in case it hurt someone. It wasn't that I was ever thinking horrible things about people but if I didn't want to do something I'd still say  yes to make sure that person was happy. If someone had passed a rude comment about me I would simply let it slide. I found it easy not to say things in fear of letting people down or being judged.

Over the years I've slowly gotten fed up of letting things slide. Its easy to just pretend that things aren't bothering  you, but honestly its no good for you. Lately, I've been sticking up for myself or just saying the things that are on my mind, whether that's big or small. Some people are always going to expect a lot of people and if you say yes all the time then they're going to keep putting that pressure on you. I've learnt to say no or put my foot down in certain situations. It's okay to fight your corner. If it's your boyfriend that you don't think is treating you fairly call him out. If it's your best friend who keeps going back on her word or if your manager is expecting too much then just mention it. You don't have to have an argument just a discussion so that both parties know where they stand. I've also found you get a lot more respect by saying the things that are bothering. Obviously I'm not telling you to be rude to people. But people need to speak more about what's bothering them. There's no point in letting things build up and boil over, making everything messy.

At the end of the day, it's your life. You've got to do what makes you happy because that's what everyone else is doing too.

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